Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shopping Cart Shenanigans {and the mom's who photograph them}

Yeah. So things are nothing short of chaos around this place about 97% of the time, right? Well, this Christmas break absolutely failed to disappoint. Sometimes I wonder if that is good or bad. Anyway....there I was, doing dishes, when I hear WAY too much laughter flowing from Remy's room. Of course, that much laughing can mean only one thing.....



of trouble.

So I make my way to the bedroom, camera in hand, and this is what I see:

Hmmm. Good thing I brought the camera, right?
Apparently, it is a boy's DNA to do dangerous things with a shopping cart, regardless of the size or quality of said cart. Needless to say, I stayed to snap a few more shots.
Things got a bit rough right away...
and after only about two or three times down, my common sense kicked in, and the shopping cart shenanigans were put to a stop.

For now at least. Will I ever get used to this?

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